
All of my students (except for two juniors) at Lynn English High School graduated today.  Of course I’m proud of them.  But more than that, I’m happy for them—happy for the doors that have opened for them and all the opportunities that are waiting to be discovered.  And even more than that, I’m thankful that I got to spend a year with them, teaching them and helping them deal with adolescent life.

But most of all, I’m thankful for their gratitude.  In schools I’ve taught in before, I’ve had students tell me that they enjoyed my class and that they thought I was a good teacher.  But this year is the first time I’ve really felt deep down that a significant number of my students were truly grateful.  Grateful for the academic and emotional support and confidence-building that I always endeavor to give my students, because everyone should have these things.  These were freely given, so it never occurred to me that anyone ought to express gratitude, and that makes it all the sweeter because so many of them did.

Thank you, LEHS class of 2012, for the best year of my teaching career to date.  May life be as good to you as you have been to me!

About Mr. Bigler

Physics teacher at Lynn English High School in Lynn, MA. Proud father of two daughters. Violist & morris dancer.
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One Response to Gratitude

  1. Katy says:

    And that is why those of who teach do so. We get to be a part of something huge and wonderful. Mostly we never know exactly who we have impacted or which student has gone away a little better for having had us as a teacher but all through the year and often at special occasions we get little nuggets back from the students saying we have made a difference to them. And that is the WOW moment. Congratulations Jeff for a year well taught.

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